
See below how to use my commands.

To all commands is required the bot prefix setted on your server


It show a guide (help message):


The result will be:


It is used to translate sentences.

translate <langFrom-code> <langTo-code> <text>

If you want to translate from English to Portuguese, for example:

translate en pt Hey there!

The result will be:


It is a quick way to translate. Only to another language.

t <lang-code> <text>

For example, if you want to translate from main language (english, in this case) to Portuguese quickly:

t pt Hey there!



Is a function to translate from a language to multiple languages in the same time. For now, I can translate to 2 different languages per request.

tm <language1> <language2> <text>

For example, if you want to translate from english, in this case (the bot will detect what language is) to portuguese and spanish:

tm pt es Hey there!


What is "lang code"?

Is a code to refer a language. So, the code of English is en, of Portuguese is pt, of Spanish is es...

See the full list of "lang code" here.


To change the bot prefix on your server, use the command:

setprefix <newPrefix>

Available only to the server admins


To change the bot language on your server, use the command:

setlanguage <language>

Languages available to set

For now, the only languages available to set is English and Portuguese. To contribute with the translations, visit our Crowdin page.

Available only to the server admins

Last updated